For some reason, landlords really love social media. Every other week there a new viral landlord video sparking arguments online. This week’s video has everyone split down the middle.

A TikTok by @clean.up.tiktok7, shows a landlord in a trashed apartment dancing around cause he won’t have to pay for the cleanup. 

"A resident decided to do this after an eviction. So imma use the most expensive cleaner in Indianapolis and charge them for it. And if they don’t pay for it it’s their credit, not mine. And they won’t be able to get another apartment until their debt with us is paid off. So who really got the last laugh,” he writes in the captions.

The video has garnered over 3 million views on TikTok and over 24 million views on Twitter.

The trashed apartment looks very deliberate so the evicted tenant must have been really angry. Or was there an angry evicted tenant? Many siding with the evictee are questioning if the mess was created by the landlord to wring out cash from them.

“It’s so nice of that tenant to conveniently only trash the parts of the apartment that are easy to clean or repaint. Great way to make things easy on your landlord” tweets @InstantSunrise.

More wonder what the landlord did leading up to evicting the tenant to make them want to trash their apartment. Eviction is devastating and a lot of people don’t share empathy with the person making that decision.

“Landlords deserve everything bad that happens to them, I’m sorry that’s just karma babe. Get a real job,” says @BADBASEMENT.

On the flip side, many more were empathetic to the landlord for having to deal with a trashed unit.

“When I used to rent I had bad landlords and good ones. In the end, you return the property the same way you got it. This idiot who smeared **** all over the walls literally invited pettiness and now has to pay for it and honestly couldn't feel bad. You made your bed,” said @ordinarygamers.

Some who usually would never side with the landlord felt really frustrated that they won this case.

“Bruh how do you find the one case where the landlord is the more sympathetic person,” tweets @nikicaga.

Either way, neither the evicted tenant nor the landlord is the one cleaning these buildings. If the landlord “isn’t” in the wrong then at least justice for the professional cleaners, wiping up tomato sauce on the walls.